Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Brief Vacation

Well, with only a month and 2 days remaining before I depart for boot camp, we figured it would be nice to go visit some family we haven't seen in a long time. On Saturday August 22nd we will be leaving for Tempe, AZ. We will be staying for around a week, although our departure date is not yet set in stone. We are very excited because Emily has never visited Grandmom and Granddad at their home. She will love the swimming and the puppy and the playing and probably within a day or two or arriving, she will love Gmom and Gdad too. (It takes her a while to warm up to people) Anyway, we hope to see a bunch of you Arizona folks while we're down there. We are expecting a fairly relaxing time hanging out and are very grateful to be able to do this before I leave. We love y'all and look forward to seeing you soon!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Philippians 4:6&7

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:6-7 NASB)

Wow! God is truly amazing! This verse has been proven so true to me over the last few weeks. In the midst of struggles that seemed as though they should have weighed me down very heavily, I felt strangely at peace with the situation. That peace truly surpassed my understanding! I am usually quite stressed out by things not half as big. Thank the Lord for His overpowering peace!

Yesterday I went down to MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station) and endured the longest day I have had in a long time. Throughout the day, many of the prayers that I have asked you all to pray were answered. First of all, I did well on the ASVAB. (this was a huge relief) Secondly, I passed the physical. I had never had a physical prior to yesterday, so I was worried about it. Thirdly, I had been very worried about the lack of available Navy jobs due largely to the current economy. I had heard a rumor that the next available job was to start 9 months from now. Not having a job right now, this would have been very hard on our family. There are many details to this story, but in an effort to keep this post somewhat short, I will leave it at this. After being told by the job counselor that there would be nothing available prior to May of 2010, she made a phone call and God provided a job that I would enjoy starting September 22nd, 2009! I will be leaving for boot camp on this date. God provided everything that we needed and more, He is truly awesome!

There are still some concerns for us, selling the house being the most bothersome, but we know He can do anything and He will be there for us no matter what He chooses to do. Continue to pray for us, but give thanks that God is an awesome God!!!!!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Some Promising News

Well, I heard from the recruiter today. It looks like I will be going down to Sacramento on Sunday evening and spending the night in a hotel before taking the ASVAB, having a physical and hopefully choosing a job on Monday. Apparently all of the new jobs are likely to post on Monday, so hopefully that will be a benefit if the time comes for me to choose a job. I ask for your prayers. If I am accepted after the tests, I will be able to choose a job from the list. Please pray that there will be a job on the list that fits with my desired field, computer networking. If not, pray that I will know which job to pick.

As we know, the Lord's will will be done and we pray on top of these other requests, that we will be accepting of whatever He has for us.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

No News Yet

Well, God is teaching me patience! Why does learning patience have to take so LONG???? I have talked to the recruiter two more times since my last post. The first time, we learned nothing at all, the second time I just filled out a bunch of statements regarding my traffic tickets. Now we simply await a call from the recruiter who is waiting on a call from Sacramento. If he calls, I may go down to Sacramento this week, if not, I guess we continue to wait. I talked to Grand-dad today and he reminded me that sometimes God uses us while we wait. What he meant was that God may not give us a definitive decision soon, if he doesn't, we must remain faithful to Him and remember that no matter what, God's will is what we want!!!!

Well, we obviously need your prayers as we WAIT. We will keep you updated with any new developments (or the lack thereof). Thanks again for your support and prayers!