Some new saddlebags
Well, I ordered some new saddlebags off the internet a few weeks ago from Biker's Den. They arrived sometime last week and I put them on. They were the type that supposedly throw over the rear fender and remain secure under the rear seat. They were plenty secure, but they didn't fit very nicely and they were wiggling around and scratching my paint. Anyway, I devised a plan so that I could mount them without the need for the flaps that went under the seat and that I hoped would keep them from flopping around so much. I bought some 12" T brackets at Home Depot and modified them for my purposes. I will spare you the details, although I do plan to do a write up on the project here. The saddlebags are now securely mounted and look much better in my opinion. Here are some pics. I will expect some comment Justin Myers!!!!
Hope everyone's summer is as fun as mine!!!!