Monday, September 04, 2006

Something other than computers!

Today I chose to accomplish a lot! I set out this morning with a list of things to do and I accomplished all but one of them. I pruned my roses, got the new MacBook enrolled in Apple Care, took out the trash, hung up Brenda's towel holder, cleaned up my computer desk and finally, cleaned my aquarium. This last task is actually what I am posting about. Having turtles in my aquarium, I can't fill the aquarium to the very top. (the turtles will escape) My filter is intended to pour water in at the top of the aquarium, when the water has to drop before going back into the aquarium it splashes and I always have water mucking up my view and leaving spots on the glass. I finally got the guts to try cutting the aquarium today so that the filter could rest at water level and the aquarium would not have to be full.

I searched around on the internet for a while and figured out that I could probably cut the glass with a diamond cutoff wheel in my Dremel. I went to Home Depot and bought this little tiny cutoff wheel for $15!

The new one is the one with the cooling holes.

I thought that was a little expensive for a little tiny piece of metal, but I checked 2 other stores and they didn't have them! When I got home I carefully measured and taped around that area I wanted to cut and then I went to work. I used some 3 in 1 oil to cut down on the heat a little bit and after about 30 minutes of work I had it done. No, it wasn't perfect, but I thought it went pretty well for my first attempt!

The edges are a little rough and I did crack the glass up near the top (just a hairline crack), but overall, I am very happy with the results. I am now getting the water movement that I have always wanted, the splashing is no more and the whole system is much more quiet than it ever has been! Well, until next time, have a good day!

Oh, for anyone who is still wondering, the last thing on my list that I didn't get done was putting some fog lights up for sale on eBay!


At 5:42 PM, Blogger Caleb said...

Finally!!! I was getting somewhat impatient as to when your new post would be. As luck would have it, I got ftc! Your idea is ingenius!! Our turtle tank (a.k.a.) our fish tank, is all nasty, covered almost all over with little gross white spots, and is infested with snails :( I need to get around to cleaning soon.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Jay said...

Dude, that's pretty sweet. I wish I was there to That would have been a fun project. Well my motorcycle is running, and the garage is open, I wouldn't want anyone to steal my sweet ride. Later on.

At 9:41 PM, Blogger Justin Richardson said...

Sweet, Where did you put your turtles when you did this? In the sink? I need to bring my ipod over soon because I need you know what put on there.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Kayla said...

Good job. How could you have put those fog lights up on ebay, you were too busy selling computers that I want t buy.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Brenda Walker said...

I think the turtle are enjoying their nice quiet home.

At 4:43 PM, Blogger Auntie Eisel said...

I was wondering the same thing, where did you put the turtles during the project? But I see you haven't answered Justin yet. You know, you should really check your comments and answer the questions sometimes.
I can't wait to find out what colors to buy!!!!!!!!!

At 9:27 PM, Blogger CrazyUncle said...

Cool! Hey, dude, when I go swimming, I splash and have fun, but my glasses get wet and I can't see a thing. Maybe you could come over and cut them down for me? Then I could play, no more splashing, and maybe I'd be more quiet than I ever have been.

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Brenda Walker said...

I put the turtles in a little container and the fish in a different container when I clean the aquarium.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger Justin Richardson said...

I am expecting a new post within two hours.


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