Monday, September 19, 2005

Will we ever get our house?

Well, I have to say, after reading Uncle Randy's post this morning I am encouraged. God has so many plans for us and we just don't know what they are. He is amazing, leading us through so many things to teach us things we don't even realize we need to know. Anyway, I believe that He is working on our patience again. This morning we got a call saying "Maybe Friday for the house". I guess we will just have to continue to wait. Thanks again, Uncle Randy, for reminding me of the fact that it is not our plans that make things work, it is God's ultimate plan. Please continue to pray for us as we learn, slowly, how to fully trust God.

Since we don't get to be in the house right away, I had some time to update my blog. As you can see I took some time to put a rather cheesy video in. I hope that all of you are able to view it. I tried to make it compatible even with a slower internet connection, so if it doesn't work for anyone please let me know.

Oh yeah, if you need to get a hold of us between now and the time we get into our house you will need to call us on our cell phones. The home phone was turned off today (due to my previous request) and switched to our new home. Our internet may turn off aswell, but we are hoping not.

Anyway, we will continue to strive to trust God as we deal with life over the next few days!!!

I know, this picture has nothing to do with my post, but it makes me laugh.

I really got a kick out of this guy holding up a sign to make everybody else look stupid. So often I see people debating something that is just stupid and I would love to hold up a sign like that.


At 5:23 PM, Blogger Auntie Eisel said...

Hey Zachary!
I'm jealous that you got a movie on your blog! I tried it but couldn't get it to work. That is a pretty funny picture. :) Too bad about your house. Sorry! I hope your internet doesn't stop too! That would stink. Well, talk to you later.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger CrazyUncle said...

Just like the above commenter, I was not able to get the video to work. I was on a PC at the time. Maybe it'll work on the much superior Mac.

Z-man, just Abide. Remember the fruit: joy, patience, faithfulness, seslf-control. We can do it. Come on. Let's commit together to lift each other up each day. Remember, the house isn't going anywhere (of course, right now, neither are you).

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Katie80 said...

On my superior eMac, I had no problems getting your video to work. It made me miss y'all! :)
Hypothetical question for ya: if one of your friends had *happened* to send mail to your new address under the assumption that you would move in on the 15th, what might happen to that mail if it showed up and you didn't live there yet? JUST curious....
OH, and that guy in the picture is gross and hilarious all at once. The best part is that it appears all but that one chick are oblivious to it!!

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Lindsay Ward said...

Justin is not to crazy about Gilmore but he knows how much I love it so he doesn't complain. I've been watching it since high school.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the video worked fine on my computer, quite enthralling. I wasn't aware that you did such exciting things, such a that, on a daily basis. Anyway, I'm praying that you get to move in to your house before you have to move out of your apartment. Chuck


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