Saturday, January 28, 2006

"Somewhat Depressed"

So, I am very thankful that we were able to buy a house. God provided it for us and it is very nice. I am really struggling, though, with the lack of any property, yes we can do what we want with the house, but that is about the size of it. 1000Sq ft to play with and no more. This really didn't seem that bad when I first thought about it, but that was when I assumed that we were at least getting two parking spots next to our garage. Now, we are confined to the garage (where they apparently think I can park one car) and one spot beside the garage. Now the whole reason that I wanted a garage was so that I would have somewhere to keep all of my tools and stuff. As most of you know, a one car garage will not hold all of that and a car. So, until today, we have parked one car perpendicular to the garage right between the garage and the alley. The truck has been in our one parking spot and the other car has been parked on the street. This was a fine setup although more room would have been nice. Today, however, Brenda got a call on her cell phone while at work telling her that the lady that just moved in behind us couldn't get her car out of her garage because our car was in the way. Brenda called me (I was at Wal-Mart) to tell me this and they wanted one of us to come home and move the car. Now before you think that I am just whining you need to realize that I very easily could have backed any of our vehicles out of her garage with little worry about hitting a car across the alley. Anyway, long story short, when I got home the new neighbor, who had called to complain, had gotten her car out with some help from another lady. Now, we are being told that we can't park there because we are in the firelane. (We parked here for 2 months and noone said anything to us, but now when someone whines, it is a firelane!!) So, I am having a hard time because although I know a house is better than an apartment, I don't feel like I have any more freedom here than I did when I was under our old landlord! Please pray that I can learn to have a good attitude despite my great irritation!!!!


At 3:53 PM, Blogger Auntie Eisel said...

Wow, that really stinks! I'm sorry that it has to work out that way. I'm not quite sure what to say, exept it's never fun to deal with whiney ladys. Wait, I guess I don't deal with many whiney ladys, so what do I know? Well, anyway, I'm sorry and I will pray for you.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Katie80 said...

Yeah, whiney ladies suck. Sounds like she must be a really bad driver. Or maybe she has a hummer. I don't know...
But maybe you should have your blog opened in another tab while you type your posts. You can't help but relax a little when Michael is singing to you! :)
Another idea: move to Texas!
Seriously though, I *am* sorry about that. I don't blame you for being irritated.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Caleb said...

That is a bummer. I'm sorry about the whiny ladies. I hope that they don't see you as a whiny guy. Landlord is a cool title. I hope to aspire to that title someday. "Landlord" Caleb the LandLord. Hmmm. Has a nice ring to it, wouldn't you say?

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does not get to much better when you have a driveway and and garage because you still have neighbors. Whe we first moved in here my brothers and Trevor were here and they happened to park the wrong against traffic (which everyone in Anderson does) but it was just far enough so that the neighbor could not pull their big truck right off the curb like they normally do. It was not blocking their driveway at all but they called the Police and my brothers got a ticket for parking the wrong way. so at least you did not get a ticket.

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Auntie Eisel said...

What happened Zachary? Why does your blog say "file lodge" all over it? I can't even read what your post says!!!!!!!!

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Brenda Walker said...

Filelodge must have been down for a while weeze, seems to be working now!

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Justin Richardson said...

Yeah, Neighbors suck! We have to drive slow because the neighbors won't agree to pave it.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Kayla said...

Whiney ladies are my life, although I did cut down on that when I started bringing my own lunch to school. Maybe you should have cussed her out.

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Justin Richardson said...

I like the profile changes!

At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you now have a blue silk blankie as your background? Cuz if you do, SWEEEEET!


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