Well, we are here!!!
Finally, we made it. We have been moving for three days straight and today I actually got the computer hooked up and running. Sadly, our cable internet has not been activated yet so I have to use a dial up provider for the next few days. Hey, at least I can read all of y'alls blogs this way!!
Anyway, we are so thankful that we have finally got a house and we just love to see how God provides for us!!! I am constantly reminded that with God all things are possible!! I love Him and I just look forward to watching Him work in new ways every day!!!
Uncle Randy Did it,
Why can't I??
Hey, I figure if Uncle Randy can get away with playing that risque music as soon as his parents leave town, I can too!! I hope y'all enjoy my song.
Well, we have the keys, what are we waiting for? We haven't really moved anything yet and it's killing me. I really want to move in, but I have to wait till my days off. Anyway, I will start doing the real moving tomorrow. I think I can get a few friends to help me and then I should really be able to get somewhere. We may sleep in our new home tomorrow, but we might have to wait until Wednesday. I am sure that we will let all of you know just as soon as it happens.
1:15 AM
Well, we finally got it!!! We got the keys today after a VERY long walkthrough describing in detail, every detail about the house. We got the keys and the right of entry at about 2:45pm! Anyway, needless to say, we spent a large part of our afternoon moving some stuff. I also bought a shower door and started putting it in today. I have to wait for the caulk under the bottom plate to dry before I can finish it, but I think I will have it done by tomorrow. Well, I would write more, but as you may have noticed, it's pretty late and I need to get to bed. Thanks for all your prayers!!
Moving in tomorrow, as of today
Well, the phone call today around the middle of the day still has us set to move in tomorrow. I guess once again we shall wait and see. They still have to run something by somebody and then we have to do one more walk-through before they can get us the keys. So right now it sounds like we should be moving by about 2:30 or 3 tomorrow. We will just keep praying until then.
So, I figured out some more stuff regarding html/css buttons today, what do y'all think? I also had a great stroke of luck, I came across one of those deals where if you sign up for a credit card you get something for free. Anyway, I signed up for a card from Amazon.com and got a thirty dollar credit with which I promptly purchased two books. I bought the ones I was looking for that day in Barnes and Noble, but they cost me nothing thanks to this sweet deal.
I know this doesn't seem like much, but I am very thankful that God provided this for me. I have been worried about spending this money due to us moving and stuff, but I really wanted the books. God provides in even the smallest, most unimportant things!!
Will we ever get our house?
Well, I have to say, after reading Uncle Randy's post this morning I am encouraged. God has so many plans for us and we just don't know what they are. He is amazing, leading us through so many things to teach us things we don't even realize we need to know. Anyway, I believe that He is working on our patience again. This morning we got a call saying "Maybe Friday for the house". I guess we will just have to continue to wait. Thanks again, Uncle Randy, for reminding me of the fact that it is not our plans that make things work, it is God's ultimate plan. Please continue to pray for us as we learn, slowly, how to fully trust God.
Since we don't get to be in the house right away, I had some time to update my blog. As you can see I took some time to put a rather cheesy video in. I hope that all of you are able to view it. I tried to make it compatible even with a slower internet connection, so if it doesn't work for anyone please let me know.
Oh yeah, if you need to get a hold of us between now and the time we get into our house you will need to call us on our cell phones. The home phone was turned off today (due to my previous request) and switched to our new home. Our internet may turn off aswell, but we are hoping not.
Anyway, we will continue to strive to trust God as we deal with life over the next few days!!!I know, this picture has nothing to do with my post, but it makes me laugh.
I really got a kick out of this guy holding up a sign to make everybody else look stupid. So often I see people debating something that is just stupid and I would love to hold up a sign like that.
New House Plans
We have a lot of exciting plans for when we get into our new house. (Now they're saying next Wednesday) Some of these plans include; building shelves in the pantry, putting a shower door on our shower, (there's something you can look forward to being able to purchase again Bean and Stain) putting shelves in the garage, and fixing various broken appliances (one washer, one dryer and our lawnmower). Although all of these things should be quite exciting, they don't hold a candle to my most recent idea. The other day while I was surfing the net I came across this picture. This is definitely the way we will go.
(Please move mouse over image)
This way we get a truck, a car and a swimming pool all in one. Also, whenever we go on vacation one of us can swim while the other drives. I can't wait! I am also very surprised how anxious Brenda was to get this plan rolling. Hopefully by the next time most of you see us you will be able to go swimming with us!!!
No new house, but...
...I took the camper shell off my truck. This is quite a complicated task when done alone. You would think I would have been able to find some help, but I wanted to do it yesterday and I didn't really feel like asking for help. Anyway, once I got it slid off of the bed and perched rather precariously between the bed and the ground, I was able to skillfully position the shell on my back and safely carry it about ten feet to its resting place. I really like the looks of the truck without the shell, but I will probably put it back on in a few weeks for the winter.
In other news, our escrow did not close today, so we will not be able to move in tomorrow as we had hoped. We are not exactly sure what happened, but they did explain it to us. I guess we will just have to wait until next week.
For all of you running OS 10.4 (Tiger), I have created a new widget that I think you will find helpful. Please download it here As always, your comments are welcome!!
Not Really Much of a Reader
Well, I was in Barnes and Noble the other day, (looking for a handbook guide to HTML) and this lady walked up to me. She was doing some short interviews to find out what people were reading. Now for those of you who know me, it is quite out of the ordinary for me to be in a bookstore, especially when I was not made to go by my loving wife. Anyway, here is a copy of the article that came out in the Record Searchlight this last Sunday. By the way, I was very reluctant to agree to being photographed as I was not looking my best at the time.Click on picture for the real article
By the way, only two more days till we are supposed to get our house. I would put a cool counter like the Bean, but it would probably take me both days just to figure out how. Please pray for us as we go through with all of these very exciting plans.
My New Turtles
So, I finally got the turtles that I have wanted for so long. I set up my 20 gallon aquarium for them temporarily. I used a small filter, my old heater, and some rocks that I acquired. The turtles seem to like it, and for now it should work fine. Once we move, I intend to upgrade my filter and heater and do a little more "water scaping".
I have had this rock for a long time, in fact some of you may recognize it, it sat on my parents front porch for about two years!
The turtles really seem to like it because they can hide under it and sit on top of it to warm themselves.(In order to listen to this song, you will have to go up and pause the song shown in my blog title. Sorry, I haven't figured out how to stop it automatically yet.)
New House in a week and a half?
Well, we are hoping to be able to move into our house on the 15th of September. We started the long process of filling out paperwork today and on Friday we are supposed to do a walkthrough and then sign some more paperwork. We are excited however, in spite of all the paperwork. We can't wait to be in our own home! For anyone who is still unaware, it is a small house; two bedroom, one bath, about 1000 sq. ft. This picture shows the house while it is still under construction. We don't have a more recent picture that I know of. And here, for all of you who know and love her, is a picture of my beautiful wife very excited about our new home.
Home on the Range
Well, we finally arrived back at home on Thursday night. It's nice to be home, but sadly being home means that the regular stresses of life kick back in. I have to go back to work this afternoon. We should be getting our new house soon, our final walkthrough has been changed from the 6th to the 9th. After that we are supposed to be able to finish all the paperwork fairly quickly so that we can start moving in. We are praying that it will all work our well.
Yesterday I went golfing with my buddy Chuck and then last night we went to dinner at our friends Jeremy and Kristi's house. That was a great way to spend our first day back!